Clinical and Pharmaceutical Analysts United: Human Wellbeing is Our Responsibility
CPSA USA Archives
United to Beat Disease: Partners in Healthcare, Partners in Science, Partners in Technology and Innovation
2018 Program Chair
Alla Kloss, Sanofi
Plenary Lecture
Florian Eichler, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Transformative Partnerships in Rare Neurological Diseases: the Case of Adrenoleukodystrophy
Distinguished Lecturer
Hui Zhang, Pfizer
The Next Generation HT BioAnalytical Platform for Drug Discovery: ADE-OPP-MS
Keynote Lecture
Kevin Bateman, Merck
Smart Trials: Moving from Site-Centric to Patient-Centric Clinical Trials
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Neil Spooner, Spooner Bioanalytical Solutions
Patient Centric Blood Sampling and Quantitative Bioanalysis – A Personal Journey
Enabling Personalized Medicine: Connecting People, Disciplines and Technology
2017 Program Co-Chairs
Suzanne Cordovado, Centers for Disease Control
Emily Ehrenfeld, New Objective
Plenary Lecture
Kyriakie Sarafoglou, University of Minnesota
Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Newborns with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia:
Opportunities for Improvements
Distinguished Lecturer
Timothy Garrett, University of Florida
Metabolomics: Discovery, Innovation, and Diagnostic Potential
Keynote Lecture
Carla Cuthbert, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Bringing Precision Medicine to Public Health: The Role of Newborn Screening
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Binodh DeSilva, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Don’t Gamble with Bioanalysis in Enabling Precision Medicine: Bioanalysis – Empowered by Innovation Shaped by Regulation
Analytical Chemistry at a Crossroad: Making Data Relevant to the Patient
2016 Program Co-Chairs
Timothy Garrett, University of Florida
Jim Shen, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Plenary Lecture
Scott Biller, Agios Pharmaceuticals
How Metabolic Biomarkers Drive Discoveries from the Bench to the Clinic
Distinguished Lecturer
Mark Cancilla, Merck
Understanding the Importance of Metabolic Stability for Developing New Chemical Modalities into Therapeutics
Keynote Lecture
Lorin Bachmann, Virginia Commonwealth University
Translation of Biomarker Assays into the Clinic – What Differentiates Success from Failure?
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Donald Chace, Pediatrix Analytical
Baselines and Bottom Lines – Metabolism is Very Personal
Getting Medicines to Patients Faster by Eliminating the Bottlenecks in Drug Discovery and Development
2015 Program Co-Chairs
Chad Brisco, PRA Health Sciences
Naidong Weng, Janssen Pharmaceuticals
Plenary Lecture
David Evans, Janssen Reasearch and Development
Mechanism Based Drug Disposition Ð Building Quality into Our Product Pipeline
Distinguished Lecturer
Douglas Lewis, US Drug Testing Labs, Inc
Fetal Alcohol Exposure - A 30 Year Search for a Reliable Biomarker
Keynote Lecture
Don Chace, Pediatrix Analytical
"Kicking it Up a Notch" with New Spices in Clinical Chemistry: Multiple Metabolite, Micro Sampling and LC/MS
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Andy Hoofnagle, University of Washington
Pigs 'n Blankets: Mass Spectrometry and the Continuum of Human Health
Defining the Challenges of the Modern Analytical Laboratory: The Risks and Reality of Personalized Healthcare
2014 Program Co-Chairs
Paul Corcoran, McKinley Scientific
Gary Valaskovic, New Objective
Plenary Lecture
Ann Weber, Merck
Adventures in Drug Discovery: Development of JANUVIA for Type 2 Diabetes
Distinguished Lecturer
Steven Wong, Wake forest University
Translational Mass Spectrometry Enabling Personalized Medicines
Keynote Lecture
Andy Hoofnagle, University of Washington
Helping the Clinical Lab Help Patients
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Kevin Bateman, Merck
Bioanalysis, Smart PK/PD and the Future of Drug Development
Connecting Patients and Subject Numbers Through Analysis
2013 Program Chair
Shane Needham, Alturas Analytics
Plenary Lecture
Ola Saad, Genentech
Bioanalytical Strategy used for Ado-Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1)
Plenary Lecture
Ellie Guardino, Genentech
Clinical Development of T-DM1
Distinguished Lecturer
Richard Kibbey, Yale University
Mitochondrial GTP Cycle: A Novel Metabolic Pathway Regulating Glucose Homeostasis
Keynote Lectures
Nathan Yates, University of Pittsburgh
How Cloud Computing Can Extend the Power and Versatility of Mass Spectrometry from the Bench to the Bedside
Fred McLafferty, Cornell University
An Analytical Scientist's Comments on A Distinguished One
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Gary Valaskovic, New Objective, Inc.
Transforming Drug Discovery and Development Through Innovation:
Past, Present and Future
2012 Program Chair
Joanna Pols, Merck
Plenary Lecture
Lisa A. Shipley, Vice President, Pharmacokinetics,
Pharmacodynamics & Drug Metabolism at Merck
Navigating the Waters from Scientist to Administrator in an Ever-changing Environment: a 25-year Journey in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Keynote Lectures
Fred W. McLafferty, Cornell University
Mass Spectrometry:
Convenient Characterization of Complex Compounds with Colossal Content of Cool Comprehension
Neil L. Kelleher, Northwestern University
How to Keep Your Mass Spectrometer Alive: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Complete Idiot
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Neil L. Kelleher, Northwestern University
Science and Technology Coming Together to Make a Difference
2011 Program Chair
Roger Hayes, Cetero Research
Plenary Lecture Robert C. Murphy, University of Denver
Secrets in Lipid Biochemistry Revealed by Mass Spectrometry
Keynote Lectures
Ian Blair, University of Pennsylvania
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry in Pharmacology Research and its Transition to Clinical Applications
Jack Henion, Advion BioSciences & Cornell University
A Scientific Adventure—LC/MS: From Academia to Entrepreneurship
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Jack Henion, Advion BioSciences & Cornell University
From Data to Biology:
Analytical Measurements to Drive Pharmaceutical R&D
2010 Program Chair
Petia Shipkova, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Plenary Lecture Bradley L. Ackermann, Eli Lilly and Company
Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry to Enable Clinical Translation Through Analysis of Biochemical Markers
Keynote Lectures
Jonathan Josephs, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Accuracy for the Masses: Resolution of the Quan/Qual Debate
Mark Sanders, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Resolution for the Masses: The Debate is Over Ð Now What?
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Mark Sanders, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Impacting Biology through Analysis
2009 Program Chair
Kevin P. Bateman, Merck Frosst Canada
Plenary Lecture Ian Jardine, Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Impact of High-Performance Mass Spectrometry on Biology Research
Keynote Lectures
Walter A. Korfmacher, Schering-Plough Research Institute
Using Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery: Past, Present and Future
Thomas A. Baillie, University of Washington
The Impact of Mass Spectrometry in Pharmaceutical Lead Optimization: Studies on Metabolic Activation
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Walter A. Korfmacher, Schering-Plough Research Institute
The Value Proposition of Analytical Chemistry
2008 Program Chair
Lucinda Cohen, Merck Research Laboratories
Plenary Lecture
David M. Hercules, Vanderbilt University
Mass Spectrometry of Synthetic Polymers: Some Challenges and Some Successes
Keynote Lectures
Thomas R. Covey, MDS Analytical Technologies
Where Can We Go From Here? An Assessment of the Limits to Sensitivity of Electrospray and MALDI
J. Michael Ramsey, University of North Carolina
Protein and Peptide Analysis Using Microfabricated Fluidic Devices
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Thomas R. Covey, MDS Analytical Technologies
CPSA USA 2007 Langhorne, PA
2007 Program Chair
Nalini Sadagopan, Pfizer
Plenary Lecture
Jonathan L. Josephs, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Why Can't We All Just Get Along: An Integrated Approach to Solving ADME Issues
Keynote Lectures
Bradley L. Ackermann, Eli Lilly and Company
From Bioanalytical to Biomarkers - Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry to Address Biological Bottlenecks
Liang Li, University of Alberta
Development and Applications of Improved Sample Handling and LC-MS Techniques for Comprehensive Proteome and Metabolome Analysis
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Bradley L. Ackermann, Eli Lilly and Company
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Biomarkers in Preclinical Development
- Bioanalytical CRO ’Äì Assay Transfers
- Proteo-Metabonomic Strategies in Drug Development
- High Throughput Approaches ’Äì Fast Separations
- Biologics
- Metabolomics and Metabonomics
- Omics Technologies
- New Technologies and Trends in Bioanalysis
- Drug Metabolism in Preclinical and Clinical Development
- Driving Pharmaceutical Quality
- Biomarkers in Clinical Development
- ADME Strategies: Past, Present and Future
CPSA USA 2006 Princeton, NJ
2006 Program Chair
Jing-Tao Wu, Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Plenary Lecture
Mark L. Powell, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Analytical Chemistry: A Changing Paradigm of Advanced Process Models, Tools and Technologies in R&D
Keynote Lectures
Richard C. King, Merck Research Laboratories
Ion Formation from Complex Solutions: Understanding Matrix Effects and Ionization Suppression
David M. Lubman, University of Michigan
Markers of Cancer Using a Liquid Proteomics Approach
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Richard C. King, Merck Research Laboratories
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Proteins and Early Biology
- Discovery Strategy: The Minimalist Approach Versus the Fail Faster Model
- Predictive Toxicology
- Measurement of Drug in Clinical Development
- Pharmaceutical Sciences - Analytical New Strategies
- Chemistry in Drug Discovery
- The Unsolved Mystery: Reactive Metabolites
- AAPS/FDA Bioanalytical Workshop: Take Home Messages and Implementation
- Clinical Development ’Äì Measurement of Drug Effects
- Biomarkers in Drug Discovery
- Pharmaceutical Sciences - Analytical New Technologies
- Emerging New Technologies
- Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics
CPSA USA 2005 Princeton, NJ
CPSA USA 2005 Digest
2005 Program Chair
Bradley L. Ackermann, Eli Lilly and Company
Plenary Lecture
R. Graham Cooks, Purdue University
Enabling Biology Through Analytical Innovation: Tissue Imaging in the Ambient Environment Using DESI Mass Spectrometry
Keynote Lectures
Yining Zhao, Pfizer
Modern Separation Science: Quo Vadis? ’Äì The Pursuit of Higher Resolution and Higher Speed Separation in Drug Discovery and Development
John T. Stults, Predicant Biosciences
Discovery and Clinical Validation of Serum Biomarkers for Disease Diagnosis
Distinguished Analytical Scientist Award
Mark J. Cole, Pfizer
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Biomarkers: Proteomics Strategies
- Metabolite Identification: Emerging Strategies to Make Better Use of Time &
- Chromatography
- Bioanalytical: Current Strategies
- Pharmaceutical Properties: Compound Library Analysis &
- Biomarkers: Metabonomics Strategies
- Bioanalytical: Driving Technologies & Methodologies
- Pharmaceutical Properties: HT ADME
- Biomarkers: New Technologies & Approaches
- NMR Analysis: Emerging Analysis Strategies &
- Bioanalytical: Exploratory Technologies
CPSA USA 2004 Princeton, NJ
2004 Program Chairs
Steven A. Hofstadler, Ibis Therapeutics
Mark Sanders, Bristol-Myers Squibb
Plenary Lecture
Richard D. Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Quantitative and Ultra-Sensitive High Throughput Proteomics
Keynote Lectures
David H. Russell, Texas A&M University
Molecular Imaging Using MALDI and Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry: A New Paradigm for Proteomics
Richard Beger, Food & Drug Administration
Metabolic Profiles of Drug Toxicity and Disease
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Biomarkers: Initiatives, Perspectives & Approaches
- How Do We Set Priorities in Drug Discovery & Development?
- Outsourcing Trends: Emerging Business Models & Overseas Partners
- High Throughput Analysis & Information Management Strategies
- Current Strategies & Preferences for Metabolite Identification
- Biomarker Discovery
- High Throughput ADME & Pharmaceutical Property Profiling
- Tissue Imaging: Localization of Drugs & Metabolites
- Biomarker Evaluation
- Emerging Technologies & Applications
CPSA USA 2003 Princeton, NJ
2003 Program Chair
Nigel J. Clarke, ActivX Biosciences
Plenary Lecture
Simon J. Gaskell, The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology The Multi-Dimensionality of the Proteome
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Functional Proteomics: Quantitation
- Discovery and Validation of Proteomic Biomarkers for Drug Development
- Functional Proteomics: Relationships
- Bioinformatics for Proteomics
- Lead Optimization
- Reactive Xenobiotic Intermediates
- Compound Library Analysis and Profiling
- Conversion of Data to Information: Dissemination of Information to Drive Therapeutic Area Projects
- Recent Regulatory Guidance: Bioanalytical Impact on Drug Development
- Bioanalytical LC/MS/MS Methods: Perspectives and Lessons Learned
- Research Informatics in Drug Development
CPSA USA 2002 Princeton, NJ
2002 Program Chair
Kenneth L. Morand, Procter & Gamble Pharmaceuticals
Plenary Lecture
Joseph A. DiMasi, Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development
Trends in the Economics of Pharmaceutical Innovation: Cost, Time, and Risk
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Genomics/Post-Genomics Trends
- Instrumentation for Protein Characterization: Emerging Trends in Proteomic Analysis
- Metabonomics
- Advances in Microfluidics Technology
- The Value of the Corporate Compound Collection: Protecting Your Investment
- Preclinical Lead Optimization: Are We Making A Difference?
- Emerging Technologies for Drug Discovery & Development
- Data Management in a High-Throughput Analysis Environment
- Why Does Method Development Take So Long?
- In-Source, Out-Source: What Do Pharmaceutical Companies Do for Bioanalytical Support?
- Crystal City Guideline Review
CPSA USA 2001 Princeton, NJ
2001 Program Chair
Robyn A. Rourick, DuPont Pharmaceuticals
Plenary Lecture
Donald G. Robertson, Pfizer
Of Mice and Magnets: Metabonomic Technology as a Tool for Rapid- Throughput Toxicity Evaluation
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
Structure Profiling
- Sample Preparation & Chromatography
- High Throughput Synthesis Support: Open-Access Applications and Formats
- The Emerging Future/Role of Proteomics in Drug Discovery
- Pharmaceutical Property Profiling: Metrics and Implementation
- Mass Spectrometry & Data Management
- Hyphenated NMR Methods in Pharmaceutical R&D
- Strategies for Overcoming the Bottlenecks in Assessing Toxicity
- Predictive Models for Drug Discovery Screening
- Technology Transfer: Drug Discovery to Drug Development Perspectives
- Emerging Technologies
CPSA USA 2000 Princeton, NJ
2000 Program Chair
Todd A. Gillespie, Eli Lilly and Company
Plenary Lecture
John R. Yates, The Scripps Research Institute
Proteomics Using Multidimensional Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- New Technologies and Approaches for Drug Metabolism
- Sample Preparation
- Chromatography
- Structure and Purity Determination: How Much and When?
- How to Demo/Purchase an LC/MS Instrument: Experiences and Perspectives
- Drug Discovery in the Post-Genome Era: Proteomcs/Genomics
- Predictive Models for Lead Optimization and Selection
- Mass Spectrometry
- Data Management
- Mass Spectrometry in the QC Laboratory: Are We Ready?
- Purification Systems for Combinatorial Chemistry
- Is LC/TOF a Viable Bioanalytical Tool?
- Data Management and Manipulation
- Drugability High Throughput Screening
- In Vitro Methods
- New Technologies and Future Trends for High Throughput
CPSA 1999 Princeton, NJ
1999 Program Chair
Mike S. Lee, Milestone Development Services
Plenary Lecture
Richard M. Caprioli, Vanderbilt University
Mass Spectrometry Imaging: A Tool for the 21st Century
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Proteomics
- Sample Preparation
- Combinatorial Chemistry
- Automation
- Fast Chromatography
- Lead Optimization
- Accelerated Drug Discovery
- Using Dedicated Instruments
- Well Characterized Biologics
- Information Management
- Lead Identification
- Emerging Technologies
CPSA 1998 Princeton, NJ
1998 Program Chairs
Mike S. Lee, Milestone Development Services
Edward H. Kerns, Milestone Development Services
Plenary Lecture
Richard A. Yost, University of Florida
Pushing the Bioanalytical Envelope with Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry
Featured Symposia and Roundtables
- Metabolism
- Analysis Strategies
- Emerging Technologies
- Biomolecular Separations
- Automation
- Combinatorial Chemistry
- Impurities, Degradants and Natural Products
- Recruiting, Developing and Motivating Scientists
- Outsourcing
- Biomolecule Analysis
- Pharmacokinetics