Enabling Personalized Medicine:
Connecting People, Disciplines and Technology

Innovator Awards 2017 | Innovators Past

Chairs: Mark Cancilla, Merck and Daniel Spellman, Merck

Innovator Award Recipients

Steve Murphy   |   Agilent Technologies

L. Andrew Lee   |   IMCS

Chris Brown   |   908 Devices, Inc.

Abstracts submission for the 5th Annual CPSA 2017 Innovator Awards is closed

The CPSA Innovator Award provides formal recognition for innovative technologies, products and services presented at the annual meeting.

The Innovator Award is open to all participants in the CPSA Exhibition.

Applicants can apply for consideration either an abstract for poster session or a standalone abstract without participating in the poster session

Applications will be formally reviewed by the Innovator Award Committee. Selected participants presented in the Innovator Award Session on Wednesday, October 25th.

There is no limit to the number of submissions per exhibitor, however, each application must describe a unique technology, product and/or service as determined by the Innovator Award Committee. . Preference will be given to submissions best aligned with 2017’s theme of “Enabling Personalized Medicine: Connecting People, Disciplines and Technology.”

Recipient(s) of the CPSA USA Innovator Award will be formally recognized during the Dinner & Awards Event on Wednesday evening.

Deadline for submission was September 29, 2017.